Student art features are back on the Mendocino Inside Voice! In this fourth edition we are featuring an interview with, and the work of, student-artist Alma Salyer. Alma is a senior at the Mendocino Community High School. I spoke with her recently during her 2D design class. Among other things, she is a talented artist who has taken art classes since middle school in many different areas, including ceramics, 2D, and 3D. The work that she has chosen to showcase in this feature is entirely ceramic because it is her favorite medium to work in. Her work along with many other student artists is featured in the AP Art Show, which is up now at Tim Carmody Gallery, 324 N Franklin Street, Fort Bragg CA, 95437. The show will be up through the end of the school year- check it out now!
Hadley: So tell me what art classes have you taken?
Alma: Well, I took Mark’s art classes and ceramics at the college.
H: How was ceramics at the college. Was that fun?
A: Yeah it was really fun; it’s where I started doing all the bodies. Um, I’ve taken 2D, I’ve taken 3D twice; actually I might have taken 3D three times.
H: Really?
A: Kinda, and then I used to take a lot of ceramics classes with Chris when I was little at the Rec Center.
H: Oh yeah, that’s awesome, So you mostly like making ceramics?
A: Yeah, they’re easier for me to make
H: Than 2D.. Or?
A: Yeah, I don’t really like doing 2D- sometimes I paint people though.
H: You made a lot of sculptures in 3D though?
A: Yeah.
H: What inspires you, Alma?
A: …Nothing.
H: Nothing?! People?
A: Yeah I just like making people cause you can’t mess them up; that’s the reason, and then I can make them, and then I just get better at them when I make them.
H: But that’s not the only reason? Are you trying to say anything by making all different kinds of people? Like body positivity or?
A: I just like bodies; I think they’re very interesting.
H: You’re appreciative of bodies?
A: Yeah.
H: When you’re making stuff do you listen to music? Do you just zone out?
A: Depends on the day; sometimes I do.
H: Do you work on this stuff in your room? Do you have a space where you do your ceramics?
A: Um, usually I just do it at the kitchen table, sometimes, or on the floor. Usually, it does not start out, like, I never have a plan when I’m making them, so I just have some blobs of clay, and then I squish them around until they become the type of person I want.
H: You don’t have anything in mind? You just make them into whatever the clay feels like it’s gonna be?
A: Yeah.
no.4 no.5
H: Why do you like your favorite one here (picture 1, left)?
A: I think that one is the most realistic one I’ve made so far.
H: Why did you- the one with the eyeballs (picture 3, middle), why did make her like that?
A: So that was supposed to be the head for the body pieces (see feature picture) but it fell off, so I was like, well It’s already a head shape, so I should make something with it, and I saw a painting on Pinterest I think that looks like that, so I just made it cause I thought it looked cool.
H: Was it meant to symbolize anything?
A: No, It’s kind of like a weird alien lady.
H: It does look very alien, yeah- it’s awesome though.
H: Do you have a favorite color scheme that you use?
A: Well I haven’t actually painted any of them yet and all of the glaze that’s here (in the art room) that I like is blue and green, so all the other ones I have glazed are blue and green. I didn’t know we had purple or red (glaze).
H: You’re just working with what you’ve got?
A: Yeah. I think I’m going to do these ones just white probably, most of them.
H: Which one is your least favorite?
A: This one (picture 3, far right), and then one down here (picture 6, left)- they’re kinda weird and lumpy and kinda unfinished, I didn’t really smooth them out. I like them better when I smooth them out. It’s okay to have some lumps, but these ones have too many.
H: I like the lumps in these ones (points to the ones pictured in 1) because they look kinda like cellulite. Was that the goal?
A: Well no, not really, but that’s the excuse to have lumps *laughs*.
And then look, this one has a weird butt.
H: Ha, she has a big ass
A: Yeah it’s like, two of her; also her limbs got chopped off
H: Yeah her limbs are kinda scary looking.
A: Yeah I’m going to paint them all red and bloody
H: *I make a strange scared noise* With the bloody face (*gestures to the piece shown in picture 3*)
A: Well, this isn’t blood; It’s just like, it’ll be albino.
H: Okay. I want you to have an art sale so bad Alma.
A: Well we’re gonna do the art show, I’m gonna be in the AP Art Show.
H: Are you gonna keep making art after High School? Is there a place you can fire them?
A: Yes I am. Um, probably just the Art Center.
H: Would you want to make a living off of your art?
A: Um, I would if I could but I definitely don’t make enough art to do that, and I wouldn’t want to like have to make it because then it wouldn’t be fun, and I wouldn’t do it. It’s also just not a stable job.
H: What do you like about making your ceramic pieces?
A: It’s fun, I don’t know, relaxing. It’s like you don’t have to use brain power, that’s like all my hobbies are things where I don’t have to use my brain.
H: Well, you sorta have to use your brain right?
A: Well it’s like I don’t have to force my brain to do it.
H: Last thing: Is there a theme? Bodies? People?
A: Um… naked people.
H: Naked people. Fantastic.
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